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May 22, 1996
Kiev city, street, Olegovskaya
Artists: Vrvarov A., Zaichenko V., Konovalov I., Militinskiy K.,Militinskaya O

"Goldfish" / share
"Birth" avatars for the action departs.

June 8, 1996
Kiev city, street, Olegovskaya
Artists: Vrvarov A. Zaichenko V., Konovalov I., Kornievskiy S., Militinskiy K., Militinskaya O

"Departure" / action
Starting up Fake Galleries Expedition in the free space of parallel institutions.

October 18, 2000
the city of Kiev, the mountain Schekavitsa
Artists: Zaichenko V., Konovalov I.

"Stop" / sculpture
"Ascent" invisible gallery in the hills of Kiev landscape.

January 21, 2001
the city of Kiev, the mountain Schekavitsa
Artists: Zaichenko V., Konovalov I.

"The Birds" / share
"Betrothal" FGE with the natural environment by okoltsovyvaniya birds.

September 22, 2001
the city of Kiev, Zamkovaya Mountain
Artists: Zaichenko V., Konovalov I.

"Station 1" / sculpture
Creating the physical plant on earth and in the virtual network.

2002 - ongoing project
the city of Kiev, Zamkovaya Mountain

"Fulcrum" / sculpture
Installed and functioning point of FGE, meaning that in a statement.

September 25, 2003
the city of Kiev, Zamkovaya Mountain
Artist Konovalov I.

"Semirenka" / sculpture
The object of anthropological turbulent flows.

May 24, 2004
the city of Kiev, the mountain Schekavitsa
Artist Konovalov I.

"Trinity" / sculpture
Approval of FGE in three spaces: the absolute, art institutions and people.


the city of Kiev
Artist Konovalov I.

"Windows and Doors" / photo project
Interverntsiya FGE in the urban environment.

May 24, 2006

the city of Kiev, the mountain Ditinka
Artist Konovalov I.

"OM" - "AUM" / sculpture
The last object, which dissolves in the cosmic sound of FGE.


May 19, 2011
the city of Kiev, the mountain Schekavitsa
Artists: Varvarov A., Gomolsky I., Zaichenko V., Konovalov I., A. Krasnoshchekov A. , Padun V., Potapenkov E.

"Mountain of Gold" / action
The destruction of the mountains, buildings protected area cabins, provokes inevitability of social conflict and forcing artists to express cultural protest.

May 19, 2011
the city of Kiev, the mountain Schekavitsa

"Are independent" / action
The new art of the new country 1991-2011
at the National
Cultural and Arts and Museum Complex "Mystetsky Arsenal"

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